Transmission Line Surge Arresters upto 400kV
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High Voltage Surge Arrestor Lightening Arrestor Surge Arrester Transmission Line ArrestorTransmission Line Surge Arrester (NGLA) upto 400kV, Power supply utilities have verified load losses due to voltage snags on their systems from transitory outages caused by lightning activity and causing permanent damages. The effect of these transitory disturbances on transmission lines are more critical in areas with high ground resistivity when associated with high lightning activity. Most non-scheduled outages are transitory in nature, with a fault time shorter than 1 minute, yet deemed to be unacceptable by power supply utilities. The loss of supply is critical for all modern industries reliant on sophisticated electronic equipment and production processes sensitive to momentary disturbances to the system. Raychem RPG’s Transmission Line Surge Arresters (TLA) provides reliability to the power system by reducing non-schedule outages caused by lightening.
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Type |
Application |
Rated voltage Ur |
kV |
6-42 |
6-42 |
66-400 |
66-400 |
Line discharge class as per IEC60099-4 |
3 |
2 |
3 |
2 |
Arrester class designation |
SM |
SL |
SM |
SL |
Rated discharge current 8/20 µs |
kA |
10 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
Safe short term load(SSL) 4/10µs |
kA |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Energy (according to IEC 99-4, 8.5) Line discharge |
kJ / kV Ur |
7.8 |
4.5 |
7.8 |
4.5 |
Repetitive Charge transfer rating (Qrs) |
C |
2.2 |
1.2 |
2.2 |
1.2 |
TOV (kV)
1s |
1.15x Ur |
1.08x Ur |
1.15x Ur |
1.08x Ur |
10s |
1.09 xUr |
1.04x Ur |
1.09 x Ur |
1.04x Ur |
High current short circuit (Pre failing method) |
kA |
63 |
40 |
63 |
40 |
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More info available on request
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