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14 October 2021
Raychem RPG
Background: Southern Power Distribution Company Ltd (SPDCL) in State of Andhra Pradesh wanted to reduce AT & C losses in their electrical system. Major sources (80%) of technical losses in Power T&D systems are due to low quality of electrical contacts and installation failures. Energy losses attributable to connector degradation is assessed at 4 – 5% of system losses (World Bank Study). SPDCL approached Raychem RPG for a solution to address this issue. Challenges : Small real electrical contact area & temperature rise Mechanical stresses Corrosion & climatic ageing sensitivity Installation method & operator dependency Conductor damages Reliability Approach : Raychem RPG conducted a site survey, thermo scanning and CRM of equipment and connectors to enable them in offering the right solution to the utility. Analysis of system outages and field failure reports indicated majority of losses were attributed to connectors (>50%). Solution : Raychem RPG provided the solution of a new technology called 'Fire Wedge Connector' for reliable connection system of electrical networks. The Wedge Connectors provide the most cost-effective solution to a wide range of power connections and grounding challenges. Maximizing contact between connector and conductor surfaces Overcoming problems associated with oxidation on metallic surfaces Maintaining a constant force within the connection for life of connector while compensating for thermal expansion or “Creep” Withstand severe electrical and mechanical stresses Provides an efficient electrical connection for any type of power conductor combination Easy to install / remove without damaging conductors Raychem RPG installed over 400,000 nos. of Fire Wedge Connector in 950 Substations! Benefits : No special tooling required Quick and easy installation Low resistance, saving in distribution losses Maintenance free Easy to remove without damaging conductors Uninterrupted, reliable power supply with increased revenues Neat and clean installation Used in jumper / T Connection on 1.1 KV & 11 KV Line below 100 sq.mm conductor sizes.