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CASE STUDY – Construction
14 October 2021
Raychem RPG
BACKGROUND : The Al Thumama Stadium is steeped in culture, history and symbolism of Qatar and its region. The 40,000-seat stadium will be hosting FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ matches upto quarterfinals. Located 12km south of Doha's glittering skyline and seafront promenade, Al Thumama Stadium's design represents the Gahfiya – a traditional woven cap worn by men and boys across the Middle East. CHALLENGES : Lightning & Grounding protection for a stadium is a herculean task, especially for such a high visibility project. The project was unable to accommodate the conventional type (Passive System) of Earthing & Lightning because of aesthetic and architectural design constraints. APPROACH & SOLUTION: Raychem RPG’s cross-functional team captured all the relevant data of this project and understood client’s requirements. The team rolled out their technical tools and applications such as risk assessment software and grounding technical design to arrive at a solution of providing an Active System of lightning protection using Early Streamer Emission Technology. The team furnished to the contractor a detailed design embedded into their line diagrams to help them understand, implement and deploy seamlessly. The technical complexity of this project from design to line diagram to installation support made it a formidable task and hence, Raychem RPG was the sole solution provider in successfully reaching the advance stage of project finalization. Finally, during installation, Raychem RPG provided the design and local fabrication of support hardware and poles to ensure the mounting was mechanically robust and electrically sound.