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"Happy Employees, Happy Company!"
08 May 2023
Mehjabeen Taj Aalam
We’ve recently got a beautiful new office with an amazing view, cool deck and potted plants every 2 meters. There are days when its beaming with people and the floor is packed with the usual hustle and bustle of a corporate. One can hear cheer, laughter, serious conversations, and the works. And then there are days when the attendance is low and so is the energy. The same office doesn’t feel the same on those days.
It is no Chinese arithmetic that employees are the soul of a workplace, and the soul has only one goal and that is to be happy and to be at peace. Sure, we can all get a surprise raise and bask in its sweet mellowness for a few days, but sooner or later it’ll wear off. A constant inflow of gaiety, rejoice and fulfilment is what we need.
A happy workplace is a productive, flexible, and resilient workspace that offers a nurturing environment for employees to thrive and grow. Whether you have chosen a career that inspires deep passion in you or simply chosen a job that allows you to create a lifestyle that you value outside the office – it has to keep you happy while you are at it. And while it can come from external perks and fancy benefits, it’s also possible for employees to create their own sense of happiness at work.
- Invest in your personal and professional development. Seek guidance and never shy away from asking for specific and meaningful help. Develop an information network and use it. That way you'll be better able to do your job and will feel a greater sense of control over the trajectory of your career.
- Create a system for tracking your work commitments and managing your schedule. Failing to keep commitments causes stress and makes you unhappy. Stay organized so that you can judge accurately whether you’ll actually be able to commit to a request or a new assignment.
- Avoid negative conversations, gossip, and unhealthy work relationships as much as possible.
- Manage conflict. Avoiding it only postpones it till it resurfaces later. When addressed openly, with positive communication, clear goals, and respect for your coworkers and supervisors, conflict can be a positive thing at work.
- Appreciate others and celebrate their success. Give credit where it is due and foster a collaborative work environment.
Not every day will be a great day at work, but if the days average out to a greater joy quotient, then you know you are at the right place.
Take responsibility for your happiness, but as paradoxical as it may sound, you can’t do it alone. But together, we can achieve it. After all, happiness is not just a mood. It’s a work ethic.
Keep Smiling and have a Happy day at Work!