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Dry Type Transformer with 33kV Vacuum OLTC (On Load Tap Changer)
03 July 2021
Raychem RPG
Reliable power supply is the basic characteristic of a transformer. To enable Indian grids to be stable and have control over voltage fluctuations due to loading patterns in specific regions which is a common phenomenon, OLTCs are extensively used in transformers to maintain secondary voltages within specific limits. With increase in use of dry type transformers, OLTCs in dry type transformers have become popular in recent times. 11kV air insulated OLTCs are in use for the past 10-15 years. However, since past 5 years, the demand of 33kV vacuum insulated OLTCs has increased drastically, as they are critical from electrical and mechanical points of view. Raychem RPG is the market leader in India for manufacturing Dry type transformer with 33kV OLTC. Multiple quantities of these transformers for 1250kVA, 1600kVA, 2000kVA and 2500kVA with 33kV vacuum OLTC are supplied till date.