Customized Solutions for Power System efficiency
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Customized Solutions for Power System efficiency
Backed by decades of experience in the industry, Raychem RPG provides end-to-end customized solutions for reliable connection, asset protection and loss reduction in electrical networks and equipment. We offer solutions to improve reliability and efficiency of power systems, maximizing output and increasing return on investment (ROI).
Download Service CatalogUnder the brand name, Rayline 24 x 7, we offer Cable Fault Management Services f...
We provide customized solutions to improve system’s reliability and efficiency,...
Years of experience working with industries and honing excellent project managem...
Jointers requires precision, accuracy and high level of safety precautions whils...
End-to-end solution to Jaipur Metro Rail Corporation
Jaipur Metro Rail Corporation was facing constraints for right of way as there was no space for an EHV gantry in a densely populated area of Jaipur City. Raychem RPG offered a solution by using composite terminations and polymeric arresters directly mounted on the tower, thereby eliminating the need of expensive space.
The project was executed in time for Metro Rail to meet their timelines. It also made headlines in the local newspapers and an appreciation from the customer.
Solution provided to DMRC & Delhi Utilities
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) was facing continuous problems of Accidents / Flashovers due to moisture ingress in 25 KV Class Insulators, thereby affecting their Traction System. Raychem RPG offered a solution by sealing the entry points to insulators. The team worked round the clock in completing the job to customer’s satisfaction.
In another case, Delhi Utilities faced severe problems of accidents, flashovers and trappings in their 25 KVA Transformer Systems. Raychem RPG provided DO Fuse Covers to prevent these problems.
BSES Rajdhani Power Ltd. (BRPL) & BSES Yamuna Power Ltd. (BYPL) of Delhi & NCR were facing problems of improper “Bonding System” in their 66 KV Class EHV Cables of passing higher currents through damaged sheaths, high temperature affecting life of cables, derating and damaging joints and terminations. Raychem installed link boxes and redid the cross bonding to eliminate these problems.
Delhi Utilities faced severe problems of developing ‘hot spots’ resulting in excessively high temperatures and damaging the equipment. Raychem provided the solution of doing “Thermography” at various places to arrest the hot spots and replaced PG Clamps with Fired C Wedge Connectors (Ampact).
Delhi Utilities faced severe issue of power theft in various areas. Raychem RPG came to the rescue by installing IPC – Mini Wedge Connectors in sealed Distribution Boxes with an inbuilt Locking System having a unique key.
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