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SNS (Short Neutral Section)
Short Neutral Section (PTFE) for 25 KV line, The utility power supply system expects equal loading on all phases. Traction power system works on single phase 25kV traction system. It now becomes important to use all the three phases equally and convert them into one phase traction supply. This is achieved by feeding single phase supply to the adjacent traction substation which is separated by a neutral section. Each feed covers a distance of about 30-40Km feeding all the trains in that zone.
Short Neutral sections are dead zones in the overhead line, used for isolating or separating different sections of the overhead electricity transmission line &also to provide smooth transition of pantograph from one section to another. To ensure strong Electrification drive, wear and tear nature of existing PTFE SNS needs a complete relook and design. Raychem RPG has introduced indigenous Short Neutral section for 25 KV line which is a moving roller-based technology and also, an alternative retrofit system for easy replacement of linings. A system which can eliminate the periodic maintenance and servicing issues.
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