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With many Green Field Airports given preference in our country and boost from the government to implement the UDAAN scheme for more interior reach, existing airports in India are in expansion modes and new smaller airports are getting prominence. With Shipping Ports contributing to be the backbone of Indian economy in terms of aiding export and import of goods, more emphasis and ownership is being taken by private players to modernize the concept of new ports and expand the existing container handling capacities. Indian Railways is the fourth largest rail network in the world by size. They plan to complete 100% electrification by 2024. With Metro Rail poised to become the lifeline of commute in major metro cities, with a vision to ease out traffic snarls, there is huge investment and boost given by Indian Government to complete ongoing projects and expand the reach further. On the global front, Rail and Metro projects have been pivotal to our growth story from the beginning of the millennium. We work closely with metro projects across geographies such as London Underground, Dubai, Doha, KL, Riyadh, Bangkok etc. in developing and supporting EPCs with the right solutions. We are proud to have developed solutions for metro tunnels by developing fire rated enclosure and cable gland systems, customsied cable clamping solutions, earthing & lightning protection solutions and connectors. We partner with key rail operators in Europe and OEMS such as Alstom, Siemens, Skoda Transportation, Deutsche Bahn, SNCF.
Raychem RPG explores sector specific innovation, learnings and insights deliver a glimpse of our expertise.
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